Converting PDF to MSCZ

• Mar 21, 2017 - 14:49


I am hoping you can help me recover my musescore document... I spent quite a
bit of time on a score, and when I went to reopen the completed score to make
some edits this evening, it was nowhere to be found in musescore. The only
document in musescore with this title is an essentially blank score. I am not
sure how this happened, but fortunately, I saved a pdf version of my score to
my desktop. I am able to print this out and use it, however, I was hoping to
make some edits first. How can I import this PDF back into musescore so that
I can edit it? I tried the experimental conversion on your website and it did
not work. It opened up my score with MANY errors- it was unusable. Is there
anything you can do to help me recover this document?

Thanks so much,



You shouldn't be looking "in MuseScore" to find your score - it is a normal file saved in some folder on some drive somewhere on your computer. So maybe using Windows Explorer, or Finder on a Mac, to help you find it.

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