Importing a midi file

• Oct 15, 2012 - 18:48

Okay, so here's basically what I'm trying to do: I'm importing a midi file I had saved of some work I did on Finale, and when I import the file to Musescore I get all the notes in a single staff. Is there a way to A) make it import each line into a separate staff or B) select only the top line of a given staff?
Thanks for your help


I don't know much about MIDI, but why not use Finale's Export XML capability instead? XML is meant for interchange, MIDI is not.

I have Finale Printmusic 2010 (or 2011?). If your Finale doesn't have XML export, send me the Finale file and I can export it.

In reply to by schepers

I'll definitely keep that in mind from now on, but these Finale files are actually from ages ago, back from high school songwriting class ;) The only files I have anymore are the midi files, I think.

Thanks for the offer to convert the file, though...I'll check through all my old files and see if I still have the old finale files laying around somewhere. Hopefully I still have a couple.

In the meantime, anyone else know how to import the file differently or just select only the top notes? would make it a lot easier to manually copy/paste everything into the different parts.

In reply to by Magma armor0

It's not likely to work all that well since MIDI is not really designed for this sort of thing, but if your music is sufficiently simple, then the Explode plugin might be able to help separate out the parts for you. See the Plugins menu on the right side of this page to download the Explode & Implode plugins, and for instructions on how to use them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the plugin; that worked just fine!

I'm going to be optimistic and ask: midi gave me a bunch of tied-together quarter notes instead of half notes. Any easy way (another plugin maybe) to just sweep through and turn all tied-together quarter notes to half notes?

Thanks for your help!

In reply to by Magma armor0

If only!

As schepers already observed, MIDI is not ideal for transferring stuff between notation programs.

But as you are stuck with it :) May I suggest you put the MIDI file through a sequencer first and use quantisation to tidy up note durations etc. Resave the file after that.

I think you will find that import into MuseScore will be less problematic, and there will be less tidying up to do.


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