
• Apr 6, 2017 - 19:02

I need to transpose from F Mellophone to Bb Trumpet in a piece on Musescore. How do I do that?


right click the staff
click staff properties
press the change instruments button and select the trumpet.

I don't remember if the Mellophone is written on treble or bass clef. If it's written on bass clef, you will need to change the clef yourself. In either case you will probably have to select the entire instrument's staff and raise everything an octave (by pressing ctrl-up arrow) to make it playable on the trumpet.

Hi all,

I have an alto sax part which starts in D flat major. I know I have to select E major in concert pitch and have musescore transpose it, but it will always give me C sharp major (7 #) instead of D flat major (5 b). Is there a way to tell musescore which way I would like it to transpose?

Even tried to add the key F flat major and used it instead of E major, but musescore will not transpose at all for this newly added key (Bbb Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab) instead uses the same key also for the Horn staff, both in concert and normal pitch.

Kind regards,

In reply to by jz

This workaround from C# Major to Db Major should work:

- transpose to C# Major
- select the key signature C# Major
- press F2
- press shift+F2

(fconcerning shortcuts see:

note: this workaround works indeed with 2.0.3 (Db Major appears) , but not in the next released 2.1. I know, that there's no shortcut for transposing a semitone by default, but it also doesn't work with transposing via menu, selecting by interval and a minor second up and in the next step a minor second down (result in 2.1: C# Major appears)

In reply to by kuwitt

F2 was removed as a default for the transpose command because too many people were hitting it by accident. You can set up a shortcut for this or any other command via Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts, and it will work the same as in 2.0.3. This does something different from the transpose menu.

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