Overview of song sections

• Apr 11, 2017 - 11:14

Hi, is there an overview about my song's sections, so I can easily jump to the 2nd verse or the last chorus?


You can use rehearsal marks and change the text and style to whatever you like such as verse 1, chorus 2. By style, I mean you can uncheck the circle around is, change font size and so forth when you right click and select text styles... This will change ALL rehearsal mark styles, but should not be an issue. If it is an issue you will need to right click and select text properties on each one. They then become searchable using ctrl-F and type the rehearsal mark name.

In reply to by mike320

Thx, I'm already using the rehearsal marks. I didn't knew that CTRL+F is working for them :)
But there is no list where I can just click at and jump to the label, right?
Typing the mark isn't what I'm looking for ^^ The navigator overview isn't helping either (the score is about 18 pages).

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