More options for staff text

• Nov 4, 2012 - 14:23

It would be nice if certain commonly used text notations, such as rit. and simile, were in some sort of drop-down menu, like dynamics are currently. I've been fudging it using the staff and system text functions, but those default to putting the text above the staff rather than below, where most of these features commonly are placed. It would be doubly awesome if the playback actually slowed down when you put in a rit. or continued the same stylistic element after a simile.


You might want to play with a nightly build of 2.0. It has customizable palettes that allow you to place text markings on them, and position is preserved. Also custom text styles, so you can define separate text styles for above and below staff. But even wih 1.2 , you can take advantage of styles to make things easier. "Rit" is a tempo marking, so if you create it as such rather than as staff ot system text, it *will * automatically show up above the staff. Also, you can define the text style for system text to show up above the staff if you like - I use this approach in my templates. So when I want a marking below, I use staff; when I want above, I use system. This isn't necessarily appropriate when creating full scores for which you need system text to actually *mean* something different from staff text as opposed to just being displayed differently, but I live with that.

As for playback, support for rit is commonly requested, and hopefully some day that will become possible. I can't see any way that "simile" could be automatically understood though. It would need some sort of artifical intelligence algorithm to guess what specifically you wanted continued and how that should be applied.

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