Sostenuto pedal markings.

• Nov 9, 2012 - 19:52

I understand that this is a rare need, I use this pedal in my playing. Attached you will find the pedal style description from "Alfred's Essential Dictonary.....", page 107.

As MS has no solid line with a hook on the end , I have devised a construct for my satisfaction. See attachment.

So, two things.

1. Is it possible to add a sostenuto pedal marking to MS?

2. The construct I made consists of a text box with Sos. and a number of spaces and then an asterisk. I then use a line from the "Lines" pallet and extend it to size. However, when I try to copy and paste this construct, only the text box is copyable: the line does not copy. So, is there a way to make a "grouped" object of this for copy purposes? The group object should be individually editable for different lengths.

Best to all,

Attachment Size
Sos ped alfred.jpg 13.98 KB
Sos ped don.jpg 8.83 KB


The idea of grouping objects seems like a good suggestion.

But for the immediate purpose, there is an easier way. Simply use the existing hooked Ped line, or the one marked "VII" if you'd rather it not play back as sustain, then right click, Line Properties, and change the text to "sos". Or , if you prefer no hook, use the plain text line and do the same.

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