Playback seconda volta only?

• Apr 17, 2017 - 13:26

My piece has several repeats with voltas. Is it possible to play it back as if it were the second time through, so that it will take the seconda volta and skip the repeat?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The repeat count won't go below 1, when you set it there it only plays through the end of volta 1. If you set volta 1 to playback 0 or 3 it plays volta 1 anyway. I don't see a way to force it to skip volta 1.

The only workaround I know of is to add an instrument and put enough rests so that the last one starts after the last note in volta 1, select that rest and start play. It will be silent until it hits the repeat and then play the repeat without volta 1 (because it thinks it already played it).

Open up the Play Panel (F11), scroll the slider to the correct time position, so it starts at the beginning of your second repeat.
Alternatively, select the last note of the 1st volta and start playback.

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