
• Apr 18, 2017 - 21:33

How to add six quarter notes on one bar. Is it a 32 note? or sixteenth? And one per measure or two please. Anyone is welcome.

Picture similar below.

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Capture.PNG 102.87 KB


In reply to by kuwitt

Fantastic tutorial. The thing my computer wont do is the Time Signature Properties window:

First, mine does not say quaver, semiquaver etc

Second nothing happens when I click on the notes, or anything else for that matter.

So I would be home free if the system functioned. Is there some reason my program might not be working normally?

Assuming this is in 4/4 time, those are sextuplets. The easiest way to change 1/4 notes into sextuplets is to make the measure rest 4 1/4 rests. Select the measure and press ctrl-6 to change them into sextuplet rests. If you want succeeding measures to have the same pattern, you can select the measure and press the R key for as many measures as you want. You can then enter notes as normal, just make sure you enter them as 16th notes. One limitation is that you cannot pastes over these sextuplets or copy only a part of a sextuplet. So if you have the same notes repeated, it is easiest to copy those 6 notes and paste them on a 1/4 rest. R will also duplicate them, but will not replace any other sextuplets.

In reply to by Thomas Wall

Your pictures are essentially of the same thing. In the April 19, 2017 - 3:36pm post you showed a 3/4 measure with 6 1/8th notes. There are no tuplets required to make this. A 3/4 measure consists of 6 1/8th notes. You just need to enter the notes and fix the beams as explained above to make it look that way.

What you just uploaded is working toward making the picture your post from April 18, 2017 - 8:33pm which shows a 4/4 measure with sextuplets. The brackets can be made invisible by selecting them and pressing V if you want to.

I don't know what the problem is. BTW, the results of what you have done would be the MuseScore file, not a picture. As seen other places in this thread, you can upload your score to the forums.

It's difficult to s y without the time signature, It may be in 12/8 so you have 3 eight notes in a time and 4 times in a measure, and in place of the 3 eight notes you can have 6 sixteen (I'm French so I'm not sure of the name of the notes !!!

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