Automatically adding/subtracting pages (Bug)

• Nov 22, 2012 - 17:12

The pages keep adding/subtracting when I change anything on the page (ex: add a note). The measures move left when I change something, subtracting a page; the opposite happen when I do the same thing: the measures move right, creating a new page. This messes up the dynamic hairpin lengths, and clicking on the added page's number (in the lower right corner, page 47) causes Musescore to crash. I am using Musescore 1.1 and this is the first bug that I have not been able to fix. Any suggestions??


I use MuseScore 1.2 and I cannot reproduce the issue (I can change things without an added page; and when I add a page by appending a new measure, MuseScore doesn't crash when I click on the page number).

Suggestion: update MuseScore?

In reply to by Fermate

I just downloaded Musescore 1.2, but when I opened the file in 1.2, the problem was still there.
I tried copying and pasting into a new score, but this only caused Musescore to flip out on the formatting.
I really don't know what to do at this point.

On the face of it, what you are describing it not necessarily a bug. Think about it - the exact thing thing can happen with a word processor if your document happens to be right on the verge of taking an extra page. Any change that makes one line of text a millimeter longer might push the last word on that line to the next line, which could then have a ripple effect that could easily cause the document to require one more line and thus one more page.

The same can happen in MuseScore, for the same reasons. If you wish to lock in the line lengths you have, best thing is to insert manual line breaks at the end of each, then maybe globally reduce stretch to help ensure you have room to spare.

BTW, I suspect you attached the backup version of your score, not the real version (filename ends in comma; originally would have started with a period but you may have removed that manually?)

In reply to by vulturedroid2

By manual line breaks, I meant these: Break or spacer . Did the rest of my explanation make sense? Your score must have been right on the verge where changing something even by a millimeter had a ripple effect through the score that would cause an extra page to be needed or not. Changing the music size took your score off that edge. It is totally normally behavior for pretty much any program that this can sometimes happen. You might not see it often in Word, but that's because each page in Word generally contains dozens of lines instead of only one as your score does, and each line on a page in Word generally contains dozens of words rather than just four or five. Set a page size of just a couple of inches per side and you'll see the same thing happen in Word just as often.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The file is actually a copy that i made to see if the problem would occur in a copy of it, which it did. As for why I attached it as opposed to real version, I don't know myself on why I did. I checked the delete box in the "Attach file" tab, but that apparently didn't do anything. The file really doesn't matter now; I tried to show a visual representation of the problem and my attempt failed.

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