dificulties with plainsong

• Nov 26, 2012 - 22:04

I have made several attempts to transcribe a plainsong chant to MuseScore, specifically 'divinum mysterium' as found in The Hymnal 1940. It consists of seven flowing phrases, separated by breath marks, essentially one long measure. There is no way to transcribe a flowing line of quavers--individual eighth notes. I finally counted the number of quavers, and there are 69 of them, but in trying to set up the score for one long measure, one can only go to 63. I am roundly frustrated with this project. If anyone has a better idea, I would very much like to hear it. Thanks. Sylvia


Hi Sylvia,

I am working with plainchant a lot in Musescore as part of my work as the MD for St Michael's CHurch Retford.

These are some of the chants I have done in MuseScore:-

I hope that will give you an insight into how you can achieve plainchant in MuseScore 1.2

I am currently using the experimental version of 2.0 to produce these, which has a split measure facility which makes it eaasier to produce unmetrical music.

If you need any further advice, or simply instructions on how to achieve what I have done, come back here :)


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