Introducing workflows that are essential for Finale users, which we also think will benefit all users of the app.

• Dec 27, 2024 - 19:20

What is a work flow as used in the "Subject" ... does MS studio 4 have it ... and how is it used?
Thank you in advance for your help.


Perhaps you should describe what you're talking about in more detail. The term "workflow" means different things (slightly) in different disciplines. And my workflow when I'm (for example) digitizing music is different than anyone else's workflow. And it's different than my workflow when I'm composing.

As far as I'm aware, MuseScore Studio has no structure called "workflow" ... mostly because everyone's workflow is different!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"Introducing workflows that are essential for Finale users, which we also think will benefit all users of the app." [...] "What is a work flow as used in the "Subject" ... does MS studio 4 have it ... and how is it used?"

More details here:
Go down to the section : Focus on Finale users

I quote:
With MakeMusic's announcement in August that it will be discontinuing Finale's development, we understood the need to provide a free and attractive alternative to people wanting to migrate to a different application. We took the opportunity to reach out to Finale users to learn what features they couldn't live without, and have set about making our own equivalents – tweaking them here and there to ensure they integrate comfortably with our own app.

In MuseScore 4.5, we'll be introducing:

  • The ability to move measures to the previous/next system (using shortcuts or the Properties panel), allowing you to fit as many measures as you want within the same system
  • The ability to lock systems so they remain as a single unit without reflowing when you make changes elsewhere on the score
  • The ability to drag measures (or range selections) to quickly copy and paste them to other measures
  • A new note input mode comparable to Finale's popular "Speedy Entry" system, which provides people with another way to quickly enter pitches and durations using their keyboard and (optionally) their MIDI keyboard too
    • Not only are these features beloved by Finale users, we also think they'll greatly enhance the workflow of all MuseScore Studio users too.

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