Select - major improvement idea

• Apr 25, 2017 - 13:23


Since pretty much ALL movements with mouse cursor on the score are made to select something, show the current target instantly. Maybe outline the thing that the cursor is aimed at. At least indicate the target somehow - its way too easy to miss and click the wrong element.

This has been a grand nuisance with editing scores. Boggles me how this has been going on for so many years without such a simple fix:)


I could see this being useful indeed. Basically, highlighting the element that *would* be selected if you clicked, kind of like how we already indicate drop targets when using drag & drop.

Although I wonder if maybe you are trying to work at too small a magnification and that is why you perceive this to be a major problem when no one else seems to have mentioned this before (which would explain why nothing has been done).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dunno, I've been using only default everything here. The hits/misses are so frequent. I remember Sibelius was a bit better but still had the exact same problem.

Why this has not been done yet - uhm.. After 15 years with those programs, this idea came today. That slow:)

I'm sure it would help out many people who are working with notebooks.

In reply to by kongking

I just mean, if you are missing a lot, seems like zooming in slightly would make sense, wouldn't it? You can zoom in using any of the standard controls for that - the dropdown menu on the toolbar, the shortcut Ctrl++, the appropriate touchpad gesture, etc. Zoomed in to a comfortable level, one shouldn't normally be missing much except in the cases of elements overlapping each other as also mentioned previously - but in those cases, I'm afraid this suggestion won't help all that much (although doubtless it would help *some*).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It would also be a nice feature for mouse users in the current (2.x) version when ornaments and dynamics get crowded. This will apparently be less of an issue in 3.0, but it will still help in situations where you are trying to select just a flag, a specific note in a crowded chord or even a staccato mark.

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