Deleting extra instrument names after the first system.

• May 3, 2017 - 15:50

I inserted the instrument name for baritone, it actually did this automatically when I switched from bass to baritone. I then went to the second system which had the second Bar. instrument name marking and pressed delete, it then deleted all the Bar. instrument names on all systems. I would like to have the instrument name on the first system only. Which starts on Bar 4.


The problem with what you are trying to do is that the first system with Bar. is actually the second system. The second and all subsequent systems use the same name without exception. The way you can work around this is to delete the name as you did before, then insert a horizontal text frame before that measure. You can then add text (right click add->text) that says Bar. and it will only appear on that line and give you the desired results.

Not really possible without jumping thru hoops, long instrument name on 1st system and short name on all subsequent systems, but not on first show of an Instrument that is not shown in the very first system

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