Suggestions for MuseScore 2
Hello! My name is Karolis. I'm composer and pianist from Spain. First, I'd like to congratulate you for all that work you are doing with MuseScore. It's a wonderful program - thank you! I use it at work with "New Technologies" for students where we are working on music notation. So as a composer I have several suggestions for future version of MuseScore, I don't know if I have to write here about suggestions (sorry if not), but anyway, here we go:
- rulers for maquetation (especially for staff, objects).
- possibility to move objects (dynamics, texts, etc.) with keyboard arrows.
- possibility to align text: center, left, one with another ("pp" with "mf" on other measure, etc.).
- possibility to move note heads and notes not only by fixed positions but also by smalest distances.
Thank you!
You can move text already, by putting them into edit mode .
Same for note heads. And you can move either in steps of spaces, 10th of spaces and 100th of spaces
You can align text center right and left alraeay too, and I believe rulers had been requested already.
And it is recommended to diskuss requests for enhancement in the techology preview forum first. Once there is some agreement of then, they may go here, into the issuer tracker, one by one.
Anyway, welcome to the MuseScore community ;-)
Hi Karolis and welcome.
The best place to start is probably the forum , as the Issue Tracker is for established reports.
For each issue, it's better to file them separately. It's recommended to read this .
thanks for help and suggestion :) next issues I will put on the right page!
1. about texts an objects: yes, you can move it on "edit mode" horizontaly with keyboard arrows, but not verticaly.
2. about the align option - I mean, if I move a title text to other place I can not align it to the center of the page again as it was.
is this true?
3. noteheads - ok!
thank you for helping! :)
ad 2. right, once you dragged a title somewhere, you can't align it anymore, not easily at leats (only manually).
In 2.0 you can reset it to its original position, which is centered to the top of its frame
Not sure what you mean avout not being able to restore a title to its original position. Titles respond to the ctrl or layout menu command to reset to original position just fine even in 1.2. As far as I know, *all* elements do.
Ah! "Ctrl-R", learnt something new today!
There is a feature request for 1/ already. See #13346: Align object to a grid or ability to align object relative to other.
I close this feature request. It's better to discuss several feature requests in a forum thread and then file an issue with a particular feature requests and additional details sorted out in the forum.