Group locking objects

• May 12, 2017 - 13:36

I'm a part-time graphic artist at work. A possible solution to collisions would be to select various objects and to form a new group, so they are correct in spacing and not overlapping each other. They could be tied to a note in the measure and would not shift back to overlapping when the measure is moving around. Also this measure would have the same locked group when extracting parts.

Desktop programs, like Illustrator, In-Design, Quark Express, Microsoft Publish use this function to keep objects, including text frames locked on page.

Best regards,
Hadley Hazen :)


In reply to by frfancha

It's a work in progress, but actually chord symbols *are* included, at least with respect to some collisions.

In any case, while I certainly understand grouping of objects and use that feature often in graphic programs, I'm not understanding how this relates to collision avoidance. Can you explain in more detail how you envision this feature being used in practice, and how it would be an improvement over simply avoiding collisions in the first place?

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