SEGFAULT in 3.0-dev when repeatingly double-clicking instrument names.

• May 15, 2017 - 19:29

I'm on latest 3.0-dev 06cb4c7 self-build in QtCreator and I got a SEGFAULT when double-clicking instrument names. I'm would think this is already known, but just attaching stack trace here incase devs are unaware:

1 Ms::ScoreAccessibility::currentInfoChanged scoreaccessibility.cpp 128 0x10710af
2 Ms::ScoreAccessibility::updateAccessibilityInfo scoreaccessibility.cpp 202 0x107280e
3 Ms::MuseScore::endCmd musescore.cpp 4668 0xc525e4
4 Ms::ScoreView::mousePressEvent events.cpp 388 0xacf3a1
5 QWidget::event(QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a5e64f
6 Ms::ScoreView::event events.cpp 68 0xacdf1c
7 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1634c
8 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1e8c5
9 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7fffebcc9470
10 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget *, QMouseEvent *, QWidget *, QWidget *, QWidget * *, QPointer&, bool) 0x7ffff3a1d0cd
11 ?? 0x7ffff3a783e6
12 ?? 0x7ffff3a7ae03
13 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1634c
14 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1db61
15 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7fffebcc9470
16 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent *) 0x7fffed003d53
17 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent *) 0x7fffed0058c5
18 QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags) 0x7fffecfe144b
19 ?? 0x7fffd7eaf9e0
20 g_main_context_dispatch 0x7fffe9ef27b7

here's another stack trace from a similar attempt:

1 Ms::ScoreView::paint scoreview.cpp 1001 0xaab780
2 Ms::ScoreView::paintEvent scoreview.cpp 889 0xaaace8
3 QWidget::event(QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a5dcd8
4 Ms::ScoreView::event events.cpp 68 0xacdf1c
5 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1634c
6 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1db61
7 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7fffebcc9470
8 QWidgetPrivate::sendPaintEvent(QRegion const&) 0x7ffff3a56a3a
9 QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget(QPaintDevice *, QRegion const&, QPoint const&, int, QPainter *, QWidgetBackingStore *) 0x7ffff3a570a6
10 ?? 0x7ffff3a26710
11 ?? 0x7ffff3a26922
12 QWidgetPrivate::syncBackingStore() 0x7ffff3a45e7f
13 QWidget::event(QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a5dda8
14 QMainWindow::event(QEvent *) 0x7ffff3b5cd1b
15 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1634c
16 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1db61
17 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7fffebcc9470
18 QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject *, int, QThreadData *) 0x7fffebccbbfd
19 ?? 0x7fffebd1dc73
20 g_main_context_dispatch 0x7fffe9ef27b7


oh, I'm on arch linux x86-64 mate with Qt 5.8.0.

I also am noting I can reproduce this when there is only one instrument, if I repeadily double click alternating between the full instrument name and the abbreviation.

1 ??
2 Ms::ScoreElement::isNote scoreElement.h 315 0xac235f
3 Ms::MuseScore::endCmd musescore.cpp 4604 0xc5210c
4 Ms::ScoreView::mousePressEvent events.cpp 388 0xacf3a1
5 QWidget::event(QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a5e64f
6 Ms::ScoreView::event events.cpp 68 0xacdf1c
7 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1634c
8 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1e8c5
9 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7fffebcc9470
10 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget *, QMouseEvent *, QWidget *, QWidget *, QWidget * *, QPointer&, bool) 0x7ffff3a1d0cd
11 ?? 0x7ffff3a783e6
12 ?? 0x7ffff3a7ae03
13 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1634c
14 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7ffff3a1db61
15 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x7fffebcc9470
16 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent *) 0x7fffed003d53
17 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent *) 0x7fffed0058c5
18 QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags) 0x7fffecfe144b
19 ?? 0x7fffd7eaf9e0
20 g_main_context_dispatch 0x7fffe9ef27b7

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