ancient European instruments (500 to year 1000)

• Feb 27, 2013 - 18:23

Hello, i have a idea for a soundfount (used in MIDI instruments) that
has ancient instruments (500 to year 900).
At present time i have wav files of:
Cow horn bugle (prillarhorn)
Sheep bone flute

Sami drum (frame Drum)
bukkehorn (ram/goat's horn)
Lur (Brass)
birch trumpet(neverlur)
Jorvik Pan flute
willow flute/sallow flute
näverlapp ("birch bark patch")
Falster Pipe
Norwegian lyre
Brass/iron ring rattle ( these whas mounted on a staff )
Brummer/"Bull roarer" (yes, they did have these here too)

The Soundfount is to be released under General Public License when

Some of the instruments can be heard on youtube, this is a
I have tried to contact the person playing on the clip.
It is tuned : G C g C
The range is from G 1 1/2 octave to D or fiss.

The problem is that some of these blown instruments has some unike harmonics :… ( Can be heard around 1:05 in that clip ).

A interesting clip, but i doubt that they used circular breathing here..


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I want it linux style, no one own it, but anyone can improve the soundfount and add instruments under the cirkumstances that they share the improvements with the rest of the world and that they are from the correct time period and is from North Europa ( Sweden,Denmark,Norway,Finland,Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands,Iceland,England,Isle of Man, and the regions around the Baltic Sea).
I want it to sound as natural as possible.

List of samples at the present:
Cow horn bugle (prillarhorn)
Sheep bone flute
Lur (Brass) (the Revheim lur with entire tonal range)
Norwegian Lyre

Sami drum (frame Drum)
bukkehorn (ram/goat's horn)
birch trumpet(neverlur)
Jorvik Pan flute
willow flute/sallow flute
näverlapp ("birch bark patch")
Falster Pipe
Brass/iron ring rattle ( these whas mounted on a staff )
Brummer/"Bull roarer" (yes, they did have these here too)

Hello Haaken,
I discovered this thread by chance. Congratulations on setting up such a great and useful project. Is there any page yet where one can access the soundfont in it´s latest form? I am currently researching into norse music for a film project and it seems that your soundfont is the most specific I ever encountered in this context. I would welcome any information you could give me on how to get the sounds. Would you like to have some demos produced as a way of repaying you for your effort?
Best wishes,

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