Is it possible to get the attached chord symbol

• May 23, 2017 - 21:49

Can this chord symbol be accomplished?

Attachment Size
chord_symbol.jpg 29.79 KB


You can type it - "(A7(#9#5))" and MuseScore will understand it and display it "reasonably", but it won't stack the alterations the way you have it. To get stacked accidentals, you'd need to create a customized chord description file, more of a "power user" trick but if you're up for it, see Style / General / Chord Symbols, set the "Custom" option, then copy the chords_jazz.xml file from MsueScore's own "Styles" folder into your personal "Styles" folder and edit it as you see fit, absed on the comments you see within.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Mark I had tried typing that and it dropped the internal parenthesis and did no superscription which took up to much space. I would like to do the customized chord style, but I have almost no knowledge of XML so coding the rendering for me would be damn near impossible. I have settled on (A+7(#9)) which renders both sets of parenthesis and superscripts saving space. Not as unambiguous as the [picture but a reasonable compromise.

In reply to by KeithNMcKenna

Are you sure you typed exactly what I did? It works fine for me, and it does superscript (at least if you are using any of the Jazz templates or style. The only thing it doesn't do is stack the alterations. This is how it looks if you type exactly what I did into a score created using the Jazz Big Band template:


If you are seeing something different, please attach your score so we can see what might be going wrong.

But of course, A7+(#9) does save space. If you really want to save space, skip the parentheses - they don't add any information, and most recommend not using them anyhow.

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