MuseScore scalability problem

• Apr 5, 2013 - 10:49
S4 - Minor
won't fix

While the score gets longer, editing operations progressively become slower. When typesetting a symphonic score this may be a serious obstacle. In the test case below, a single editing operation (changing note pitch by using an arrow key) or inputting a single note takes more than a second to apply.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a big symphonic score. I've imported the midifile of the first movement of Dvořák's 9th Symphony from mutopia project, contained in this zip file (created by Keith OHara, available under cc by-sa 3.0 license).
2. Scroll to the last bars of the score.
3. Try to input a note or change pitch of some existing note. The delay before the score updates is large.

Test was done on a Debian Gnu/Linux machine using MuseScore version 1.3 compiled from source.


This is a known issue, at least with 1.x and larg scores. There are improvements in the current development version, which will become 2.0, so please try out whehet a nightly build works better for you (and if it doesn't, reopen this issue)

Thank you for your reply. I'm glad that this issue is known among MuseScore developers, this was the only thing that was stopping me from recommending MuseScore to people who work with orchestral music. [I had some problems with unpacking the nigtly releases with `tar -xvf`, but I'll ask about it on forum]. Looking forward to 2.0.