Importing XML files to 2.1

• May 29, 2017 - 19:22

I was using 2.03 until recently and importing xml successfully. I upgraded to 2.1 and all seemed well, but I started having crashes on importing xml. It's now got worse and I don't seem able to import any xml file - 2.1 just crashes instantly on trying to open an xml file. Would somebody please try the file I've attached and let me know if it's the file that's corrupt.


Attachment Size
9.xml 43.92 KB


The problem seems to relate to the lack of a time signature in the file, and/or the fact that it appears there are two clef declaration for the same location. I'm not sure either of these in itself is supposed to be illegal or if there is something about this file in particular that causes this to be a problem, but anyhow, the crash seems to be a fallout from those two conditions, I think. Where did this file come from? FWIW, 2.0.3 crashes on this same file.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks very much for those useful comments Marc. I created the file using an android app called PlayScore, which converts a photo of a score (one page at a time) to MusicXML. I use it for practising songs we're learning at the choir I'm a member of. So I can sing along to the piano accompaniment, with the Aah choir singing the lyrics line if not the words. PlayScore doesn't usually know the time signature as it's normally shown only at the start of the score (and on any change, if there is any).

I guess I may be able to get round the problem by manually inserting a time signature declaration? e.g.


I'll have a go.

In reply to by StuartC

Maybe. The real problem, I think, is the duplicate clefs, but it looks like that would have only generated a warning if not for the missing time signature. Hard to say for sure because I am debugging using current "master" sources which have some significant differences compared to 2.1.

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