GSoC 2013 : deadline for student proposal

• May 6, 2013 - 14:17

The submission deadline for students who wanted to participate in Google Summer of Code 2013 was on May 3rd. In total, we got 21 proposals! In the past 3 weeks, I got in contact with over 15 students on IRC and on the developer mailing list.

Here is the number of new proposals per day. As expected, it went a bit crazy at the end of the period.


The quality of proposals is overall very high. We got only two spam proposals not presented in the graph and not part of the 21. We heard from other open source projects that spammy proposals were an issue but this year, Google reduced the number of proposals per student from 20 to 5. Apparently, for the best.

Students are from Europe, North America and Asia, almost 1/3 each.


We will know how many slots we will receive from Google on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Then, we will review and rank the proposals and choose the students. Google will announce the list of selected students on Monday, May 27, 2013.


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