Small Caps font

• May 30, 2017 - 12:09

Small Caps font isn't available in this version. I am substituting ALL CAPS with a note that Small Caps is not available. I am on the music team of Distributed Proofreaders. We reproduce public domain books for Project Gutenberg.

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pag121_score2.jpg 241.42 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Wow! This is all way over my head, unfortunately. I have no idea of how to add CSS to a MS page. Great thought though!

How did you create small caps? Did you use Staff Text for one font size and System text for the other? I also need italics on this page. I don't see a way to create three fonts, only two.

Or just switch to a font that uses small caps by default - there must be plenty of those freely available you could install and use. Then select one in the various Style / Text settings.

In reply to by judeeylander

MuseScore comes with only a very small set of fonts (FreeSans/FreeSerif and its musical fonts). In addition it reads in the fonts installed to your operating system.
You can install any font into your operating system and MuseScore should allow you to select it upon its next start.

In reply to by judeeylander

You don't need to do anything special to add a small caps font to MsueScore - you just need tyo add it to your computer normally and MuseScore will see it automatically. That is, you add it the exact same way you'd do it if you were using Microsoft Word or any other program instead of MuseScore. Details vary by OS. Try doing a Google search for "how to install fonts on Windows (or macOS or Linux or whatever OS you are using). First you will need to find such a font, try Googling the phrase "what is a good small caps font".

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