Segmentation fault - FYI (Not critical)

• May 21, 2013 - 20:06

I created a small test score for piano and drum. I substituted a different .sf2 file for the drum to get a different effect.

The score plays perfectly, no problems, but I discovered when I accidently tried to move the drum note up with the up-arrow key, that mscore produces a seg. fault:

/home/turtle$ /usr/local/bin/mscore
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/56-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.
cannot load qml translations
cannot load qml translations
cannot load qml translations
cannot load qml translations
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
mscore(13232) KMimeTypePrivate::ensureXmlDataLoaded: Missing field in "audio/mp3.xml"
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (inspector/Ms::Inspector) Negative sizes (-107,0) are not possible
Segmentation fault

Just a little bug I suspect, not important or critical to me. A FYI...

To make sure I had the latest update I downloaded the latest from GIT and recompiled. Still the same problem, repeatable every time.

Laterst REV.. MuseScore: Music Score Editor
Unstable Prerelease for Version 2.0.0; Build 80682c9

test file attached [ttt.mscz].

I could not upload the .sf2 file (338k) as this system will not accept the .sf2 suffix If you need it I can send it under disguise :-)

Thanks for an increasingly sophisticated product.

Attachment Size
ttt.mscz 2.72 KB


Thanks for the report! It's probably unrelated with the soundfont. How did you create the score in the first place? Do you know at which moment the bass drum note appeared so low?

Thanks for the report! It's probably unrelated with the soundfont. How did you create the score in the first place? Do you know at which moment the bass drum note appeared so low?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I created the test score from 'New" score.
Added Piano
Added Base drum.
Finished create

Score looks fine, all blank apart from lines.

Added two bars of notes to piano part. Still OK..

Selected Base drum part and added eight notes. Still OK.

Saved score as... Still OK.

Played the score and it is fine.. Still OK.

Changed the base drum in the 'mixer' from 'drumset' to 'solo'
changed the sound in the mixer for the drum set to the next channel for a harder rattle sound.

I notice that for some reason, the piano part does not play. In the mixer window, for the piano, both 'solo' and 'drumset' are now unchecked. The score still looks OK.

I check 'solo' for the piano. Score still is OK.

Now I get sounds for both the piano and drum set (rattle).

After playing the score still looks fine.

I save the score as ...

Close the score and re-open it.

Now the base drum line has dropped the notes very low.. What you see in the score I sent you.

The score plays perfectly. But if I try to raise the bass drum note, I get the segmentation fault.

Seems that the problem occurs somewhere between saving and re-loading the score.

Let me know if I can provide any further information.

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