Strange influence of the text on score playing

• Jun 2, 2017 - 10:41

Hi, I've found very strange error!
I use sfz+Zerberus for modelling bells.
Let's listen examples:
1_sfz-error.wmv - error in playing measures 5-6
2_sfz_noerror.wmv - no error after removing some text
3_sfz_error_Ctrl-Z.wmv - error after Ctrl+Z for last operation (for boldface text)

Is this Zerberus error? Let's change instrument for "tubular bells"
4_sfx2_error.wmv - error again, so this is not Zerberus. See test4-2tb.mscz

How could it be explained and how to repair this?

Attachment Size 933.27 KB
test4-2tb.mscz 10.61 KB


I'm confused, what text are you removing? Can you give us precise steps to reproduce the problem?

The system text I see that reads "Упражнения для подзвонных" appears to have its Swing attribute set (right click, System Text Properties), so removing that will of course change the playback in that way.

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