Change to small note head

• Jun 16, 2013 - 11:05

Hi folks - new user and 1st time poster. Going round in circles on this one. Looking to change note-head size from standard to small in Voice 2, leaving standard size in Voice 1. Everything I've read leads me to 'right-click' on note selection, choose 'note properties' and select 'small'. Using the current nightly build MuseScoreNightly-2013-06-12-1907-418c6d2, but I cannot see that particuar item. Nor do I see anything similar in Style\General\Notes. Has this setting been removed, or replaced by some other instruction I am badly missing.

Thanks for any help and a wonderful programme.


FYI: documentation reflects the current released version - 1.3. The nightly builds are there to experiment with, but don't expect them to be ready for "real" use - there lots of bugs, including crashes - and things won't generally be documented. U less you have a special reason to be trying one out - testing a new feature, etc - you should generally be using 1.3 until 2.0 is released.

That said - the things that used to be in Note Properties are now in a new window called the Inspector, which you can show or hide via the F8 key.

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