
• Jun 24, 2013 - 16:29

In attachment:
Repeats don’t work as I intended.
Playback doesn’t work like written,
Or did I write it wrong?
Ending #1 gets skipped,
Ending #2 doesn’t get repeated.
Repeats to beginning.
And other stuff.

Attachment Size
TryRepeats.mscz 2.38 KB


the 2nd end repeat doesn't have a matching start repeat
the last measure before the 1st end repeat has a repeat count of 2, should be 3
3rd time endings don't work, a know bug.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the big help.
I presume the bug will get fixed some day.
I intended it to play this order in the score I gave:
How do I write that?
Why doesn't the second end-repeat also match the given start-repeat?
I am only an amateur.

In reply to by hill0093

Best way to do the sort of thing you describe is to use a regular repeat to get 3-6 to repeat, with a first ending for 7-8. Then use a "DS al coda" to go back to 2 and a "to coda" at the end of measure 6 to skip to the coda at 18. I don't think you shouldn't use a third ending for 18-20 - that's too far from the first ending and makes the second ending too long. Endings should be used only for very short sections. Looks OK for now since there is hardly anything in the second ending, but once it's full of notes, the human musicians ultimately reading this will find it hard to skip the second ending and find the third. And you should be thinking about the human musicians who will read this and not worry so much about the computer playback, which is really only intended to be a rough guide.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the description of something that makes good sense to do.
However I looked at the manual and cannot understand how to actually do it.
Would you please do what you describe to the score I attached and
then attach the copy back to me? Then I'll study the manual again, and
there is a good chance that I will understand it.
I really appreciate your effort to teach me.
When I click a link in the manual to something on the web, it says unavailable.
Is something wrong with my computer?

In reply to by hill0093

Which link specifically isn't working?

Rather than do the work for you and attach it, let me describe step by step:

1) delete repeat at end of 2nd ending
2) get rid of the 2nd & 3rd ending
3) add a new 2nd ending that is open ended (closed on left, open on right
4) where the repeat used to be, add a "DS"
5) where you want it go back to, add a Segno
6) where you want it to jump to the end, add a "To Coda"
7) where you want the jump to land, add a Coda

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you Jojo-Schmitz for doing it. Makes it easier to understand.
I use the local Handbook. The words on pp.34-35 are not defined,
and the link to "Video tutorial: Codas" yields "This video is unavailable.".

But I discovered that there are definitions by holding the mouse pointer on
symbols on Display>Palette>Repeats in the MuseScore program.

If I understand you correctly, the "To Coda" that you added is supposed to
work only after the "D.S. al Coda" is executed
(but playback doesn't do the jump like it should).
So now I believe I can fix my real score of music correctly for people.

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