MIDI Inport and Make Score (Especially, piano song)

• Jun 28, 2013 - 16:41

I think many Musescore users have DAW software.

(like cubase, Logic, ProTools etc.. )

And then, many people want to make score from MIDI data from DAW.

Me too.

I would like Musescore to equip easy function to make score from MIDI data.

Piano score needs 2 staff notation for right hand and left hand.

MIDI data has no information whether the note is for left or right hand. So we have to edit then.

DAW  ->  MIDI data  ->  Musescore  ->  Score
This is flowchart.

But... I feel that Musescore is not suitable to do such works.


I think it is because one reason, voice part.

Musescore has 4 voice part. And we have to attach the voice part to MIDI data's score.

This system makes difficult to make Score from MIDI data.

MIDI data has no voice part data.

Of course, we can assign dividing point when we import MIDI data, but it is not freely.
So we have to consider this matter.

If Musescore can divide a chord freely, it is excellent!! We don't need Finale or Sibelius anymore,

Now We can't divide the chord to 2 part freely.

And we can't attach the voice part to existing notes.
We have to delete the note. And select the part, then put music notes....

There are difficulty of make score from MIDI data.



You have to realize that just separating the hands of the piano is only the tip of the iceberg. Even if that problem were solved, your average MIDI file just doesn't contain *nearly* enough information to maker a usable score without a *lot* of manual fix up work - often at least as much work as it be to re-enter it from scratch. But FWIW, some improvements *are* being worked on - see http://musescore.org/en/node/21272. I still wouldn't be expecting miracles, personally.

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