
• Jul 17, 2013 - 15:01

For non-native formats, we have 'Export...', but should we also 'Import...'?

I'm not sure, but what do others think?


Mixed feelings. There is definitely a clear distinction in my mind between a regular "open" and an "import" - the former creates a document that can be saved directly in the same format back to the same filename, the latter creates a document that must be saved in a native format under a new name. Some applications use "Open" for both, but inform you somehow when the document you are opening is actually being imported - either a dialog, or the document is opened as "Untitled", etc. I do think the current 1.X behavior where it *silently* imported and then saved in native format under an automatically-generated name is not ideal. But I think I'd just as soon we took the approach of popping up a dialog telling you what is happening rather than making people use a separate menu item.

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