Overall Volume

• Jul 21, 2013 - 06:27

This freaking software is so quiet, I have to turn up my speakers to the maximum volume just to get a reasonable sound. And then whenever someone else is using the computer later and I forget to turn it back down, I can hear "YOU'VE GOT MAIL" blasting from three doors down. Solution?


Right, you have to remember that it is trying to reproduce the sound of real music pkayed by real instruments, so it can't play full blast right of the box or ere would be no where to go up from there,

But you can turn upthe overall volume in Display -> Synthesizer. Just don't turn it all the way or it will clip badlythe first time you do actually come to a loud passage.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yeah, what Marc said, though it's okay to turn up the overall volume all the way when working with soft music pieces. But in the later nightlies (if there's no Display button), the Synthesizer button is located under the View button. The volume is that big bar on the right of the Synthesizer window, by the way.

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