Can you split a whole note chord (in piano score) into two half note chords without a half rest being created?

• Aug 14, 2013 - 01:15

Once a piano chord has been created (in my case whole note chords) and for whatever reason, you decide that you need to go back and split the whole note chord into two half note chords, is there a way to do this more efficiently? Right now, I highlight one of the notes, click on the Half note entry button, and the treble clef part reduces to a single half note chord, with a half rest. Now I have to go back and insert individual notes to rebuild the second chord on the rest. Then I have to repeat this for the bass clef. This is very time consuming.


Once you have created the half note chord, you can click on the lowest note in the bass clef, then shift-click on the highest note in the treble clef (or vice versa) to highlight the entire half note chord. (It will be in a blue box - copy this chord to the clipboard.)
Then click on the half rest in the treble clef and paste the entire chord at that position. Be sure to paste into the treble clef to get the entire chord written correctly.

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