Command line export to lilypond format
I want to export my musescore file to lilypond format using commande line.
Is it possible ? I've found nothing in documentation (only PDF or midi)
Have a nice day
I want to export my musescore file to lilypond format using commande line.
Is it possible ? I've found nothing in documentation (only PDF or midi)
Have a nice day
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Export to musicxml, then use musicxml2ly
In reply to Export to musicxml, then… by graffesmusic
Thank's for the quick answer !
when I try to execute this command on ubuntu 24.10 :
"./MuseScore-Studio- -o example.musicxml partition_satb.mscz",
I have this error :
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "IconCode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MusicalSymbolCodes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ContainerType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "NavigationEvent"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MUAccessible"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CompareType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SelectionMode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ToolBarItemType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "DockToolBarAlignment"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Location"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CloudVisibility"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SaveToCloudResponse"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "DirectionTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SlurTieTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "NoteHead"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Beam"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Hairpin"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "OrnamentTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Dynamic"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Glissando"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CommonTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "BarlineTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MarkerTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "KeySignatureTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "AccidentalTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "FretDiagramTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "LineTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TextTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ArticulationTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "AmbitusTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ChordSymbolTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "BendTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TremoloBarTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TremoloTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "VoiceTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "InstrumentsTreeItemType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "StandardButton"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SaveLocationType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "GenerateAudioTimePeriodType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MigrationType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
I don't understand because others command like
"./MuseScore-Studio- man" works perfectly
I found nothing to help me.
Do you have something to help me ?
In reply to Thank's for the quick answer… by mayeultouchar
Those errors are present since a log time (at least since 4.3) when using command line on ubuntu.
It doesn't seem to be of any importance.
The output musicxml file is created anyway, correct?
In reply to Those errors are present… by graffesmusic