Bar numbers not updated after changing instrument order and scaling
1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. 'Instruments…'.
3. Move Voice to the bottom.
4. 'OK'.
5. 'Page Settings…'.
6. Change the scaling to 1.200.
7. 'OK'.
Result: Bar numbers aren't updated.
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (64ff9de) - Mac 10.7.5.
I hope the report summarises the issue correctly?
Fixed in branch master, commit 75bd8922c1
Fix #22344: calculate divisions and duration using Fractions instead of ticks
Fixed in branch master, commit 7164dd4c48
_Merge pull request #22977 from lvinken/issues_22344_divisions_calculation
Fix #22344: calculate divisions and duration using Fractions_
that fix is entirely unrelated