key change signature dilema

• Sep 5, 2013 - 00:33

I am in the process of transcribing a musical piece from a score.

The score starts in C for the verses, but changes to A flat for the choruses, I do not have a problem inserting the appropriate key change signature into the transcription, the dilema comes at the end of the chorus.

On the sheet music I have, prior to the end repeat barline, they have four naturals set in the format of the key change.
(Not having any musical theory knowledge, I am assuming that this is to return the key back to C.)
I have searched the Musescore palletes but cannot find any similar that I can use.
Has anyone found any music with this key signature item?


When changing keys, Musescore can add a courtesy key signature. This might be what you refer to as the 'four naturals set in the format of the key change' which is on the sheet music you have.

Because the Key of C major has no sharps or flats, when you drag the (blank) key signature from the pallette to change from A flat major (four flats) to C major, naturals are created on the staff to negate the four flats of Ab major.

Additionally, you can right click on this courtesy time signature to open a context menu where you can show or hide or make it invisible. See attachment.

Attachment Size
Key Change.mscz 2.97 KB

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I see what you mean with the attachment, and I will give that a go.
I have attached an image of the piece in question, just that part of the music.

The key at this point is A flat, (four flats), as you can see, the four naturals appear before the end repeat barline.
This takes the music back to the start of the song, which is the key of C major.

I have spent the afternoon going through as much of my sheet music as I could, and could not find any other occurances of this.

Attachment Size
key change.jpg 51.85 KB

In reply to by murray45a

Just apply the key change of C, this will automatically create naturals. I suppose the issue could be that the piece doesn't actually continue in C - that's just for the repeats. so you don't really want a change to C. Not sure of a way to deal with that aside from adding the naturals as ordinary symbols from the palette (press "Z" to display the symbols palette). I guess you could try inserting an extra measure after the repeat sign but before continuing, putting that in C, but then changing back to Ab, them try to make that measure invisible through measure properties or some such, and eventually cobble together something like hat. But just placing the symbols is simple enough.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Placing naturals from the palette becomes tedious when there are many staves. You could try this:

Insert another measure before the repeat.
Place the C key signature in the inserted measure
Change the inserted measure's duration to 1/32
Make the rests in the inserted measure invisible
Shrink the final measure
Move the naturals to the desired position
Make the barline before the inserted measure invisible

Attachment Size
Courtesy_signature_before_repeat.mscz 1.95 KB

In reply to by underquark

Nice! Although on my system, the repeat is showing as disconnected from the staff. Selecting it and reducing stretch another notch fixes it.

Another possibility: create the naturals as a graphic, with transparent background, and place that. Not sure if that works, though :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'll give it ago.
I've attached an edited example of the piece, which shows the major areas where the changes take place.
The group of naturals occur at the end of the first volta, after the last note and prior to the end repeat bar.
This takes it back to the beginning for verse 2.

Not sure what has happened, the repeats are being ignored.

As I have said before, I am only just starting out on this journey, and my knowledge of both music and musescore is at the moment, limited.
Any help will be appreciated.

Attachment Size
score example.mscz 3.09 KB

In reply to by murray45a

Add a new measure
(Insert measure before last measure, copy last measure contents into 2nd-last measure, delete contents of (new) last measure)

Move volta to include new measure
(double-click on volta, [Shift]-[Tab], [Shift]-left-arrow)

Change duration of last measure, shrink it, make rests invisible

Add the C key signature to give the naturals then move them

Make barline invisible

I've also moved the rests in some of your two-voice measures to make them easier to read.

Attachment Size
score example_2.mscz 3.35 KB

In reply to by underquark

although at the second volta, murray45a's original "score example.mscz" shows a different key signature from yours.
I tried changing the key signature to four flats as in the original and was confronted with extraneous (courtesy) time signatures.
Perhaps the "Z" symbol pallette is the way to go?

@murray 45a - You also wrote: "Not sure what has happened, the repeats are being ignored."
Be sure the 'play repeats on/off button' located next to the playback controls at the top of the Musescore screen is turned on (highlighted).

Regards to all...

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