More measures per system - stretch doesn't work, no of measure/system doesn't work

• Sep 11, 2013 - 15:19

I'm enlarging music for one of my singers with sight problems. (Attached) In m.21-24, (also mm.67-69) I would like them on one line but can't seem to do it with { }. The setting is for 5 measures per system. The program doesn't want to allow even these 4 measures together.
And mm.104-105 I would like to extend to fit the page but they won't stretch.
Any suggestions?

Thanks. Sandy T.

Attachment Size
River in Judea-sop-Large Print.mscz 7.51 KB


The vertical Frames you have effectivly are line breaks, also you do have very strange settings for stave- and system distance (0), which make some of these vertical frames neccessary (you could use a spacer instead though, but not for dercreasing distances) and you have set 5 measures per line, Better use line breaks for that and also have a look at the "Break everx X measures" plugin

The easiest way to enlarge a score is to just increase the space value, see

...would be to compare the settings in this attachment with the ones in your original score:

Under menu item Style / Edit General Style / Page: look at Staff distance and System distance.
Also Lyrics (lower and upper) margin, and Last system fill threshold (spreads out the last system, as you mentioned meas. 104-105 - however, I put 2 more measures on the final line).

Under Style / Edit General Style / System: look at Fix Number of Measures/System. (Musescore does a pretty good job on its own without changing this.)
I got rid of the vertical frames. Also, I needed hardly any line breaks. Like I said, MS does a good job. You can see the effect of line breaks by, for instance, deleting one to see what gets shifted around.

Under Style / Edit Text Style / Measure Number: look at Offset X: This keeps the measure numbers from clashing with the staff.

Also (an excellent tool to use):
"Add More Stretch" and "Add Less Stretch" in the handbook:

There is one stubborn vertical frame (on the second line meas. 10-15) which won't go away, but it doesn't print anyway. You can see it by clicking menu item Display / Show Frames.
Lastly, you may want to double check the repeat in measure 101.


Attachment Size
River.mscz 7.39 KB

I took advise and re-did using Layout to enlarge. My only problem now is how to make the measure numbers larger.
I went to text style - measure numbers and changed the font size but could only get 3 of the numbers changed. The rest still appear as before (12 pt.)

Any ideas?

Sandy T.

In reply to by spojaw

What happens, I think, is that measure numbers are not regenerated with the new text style changes until "necessary". If you have your general style options to show measure nkbers at the start of each system, for example - the default - them any change you make your score that affects the number of measures on any system will cause new measures to appear at the start of the *next* system and will need measure numbers generated. So only systems whose starting measures has chaned for whatever reason will pick up the text style changes. Other systems will start with the same measures as before and will use the old text style.

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