Selection by dragging a box?

• Sep 22, 2013 - 12:03

I'm working with the program for several months now and I'm very happy with it. But one thing could be a bit better: there should be a selection possible by dragging a selection box around some items.

In my working process I often come to the point when I want to delete, for example, only some lyric words or something else, but not the entire line or all similar object (as selectable in the context menu). I have to select them all step by step while holding the CTRL key. So a selection box would be a nice feature to do that in one step. :-)


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

No, I had no idea... that works. Is this documented anywhere, and didn't I see it?
But beside that: I think it would be better to change the panning function to SHIFT+Drag and the Selection to normal Drag. This would match the normal way to work under all popular operating systems. What do you think? :-)

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