delete section

• Jun 27, 2017 - 12:33

I can't work out how to select a section of my score, so that I can delete it, nor can I work out how to delete bit by bit. Please help! Thanks


In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you! Still finding my way around. Now trying to work out how to space out the bars a bit (writing some music for a child). Any tips on where I can look for help with this? I've searched Help but no joy so far...

In reply to by Picanario

Overall spacing is controlled in Style / General / Measure. You can increase the spacing setting there and your bars will all be wider. Or you can select individual bars / ranges of bars and increase the "stretch" via the Layout menu or shortcut "}". Or you can add line breaks where you want and things will space themselves out to fill.

Probably you also want larger than normal staves - that is the "Staff space" control in Layout / Page Settings.

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