Splitting notes
I have a piece (in this case 3/4 time) where I have a dotted-half and a quarter note played simultaneously at the start of a measure, followed by two quarter rests after releasing the quarter note. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to enter this into MuseScore.
For example: A measure starts with a base-clef F dotted half and a quarter note on the F below. I can enter the dotted half no problem, but when I try to enter the quarter note F below it MuseScore changes the original dotted half to an un-dotted half and shifts it to the second beat of the measure. I have been unable to figure out any way to get MuseScore to accept the proper notation, I CAN get around the issue sort of by inserting two quarter notes at the start of the measure, then tying the upper one to a half note, but that's really not very visually intuitive.
Any suggestions?
See http://musescore.org/en/handbook/voices
In reply to See by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah - I see. I had read voices to mean different instruments. Thanks for the quick response to a newby question!!