Tie or Slur?

• Jul 13, 2017 - 01:53

This one's kind of baffling, actually. Two images posted, the latter the "revised" edition of the piece. Circled in red are the questionable ties/slurs. tie1.png tie2.png

It's two notes that are the same note, yet written differently and with a line connecting them as if a slur. Then why break them up like that? If so, does that make the left hand's second voice a tie or a slur in each case? The whole thing is very confusing.


I would interpret them as ties rather than slurs. This is mostly because of the 6th measure where the C-natural is not in dispute on the half note. I'm not sure why someone would write something so ambiguous except for the key change in the second "half" of each measure. The first half of each questionable measure has sharps while the second has flats. The arranger didn't do the same thing in the bass line for some reason, for example the a-natural in measures 1 & 5.

What piece is this? Is it for harp?
If not for harp, then the arranger appears to be exercising horizontal note-spelling; and the augmentations are distinguished by the dotted bar lines.

The composer (or transcriber) has tried to name the chords technically correct.
But while doing so, he couldn't find a solution for the extended notes (ties);
These are definitely Tie.

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