corrupt mscz file

• Dec 1, 2013 - 19:37

I had a song with lyrics in solid first draft form, so I backed it up to another disc.

I made some refinements to a section, but noticed that it had created a 4/4 measures with 5 beats in one of the parts. I fixed it by creating a new measure, copying the parts that were correct, and hand typing the part that had the extra beat in the old measure. I then deleted the old measure. I did this twice.

I then noticed that the file had been corrupted. Every other word in the lyrics was deleted. There are errors in the vocal part and piano accompaniment.

This is where it gets strange.

I downloaded my backup copy and found it was corrupt too. Even though I had played it repeatedly without issue before I backed it up.

I'm using an ancient version of musescore:
Revision 3400

It's been reasonably stable for a long time so I haven't upgraded to a new version.

Any suggestions on the mysterious corrupt backup file or whether anything can be corrected?



I installed version 1.3 on my Mac and it can read the two files in question without issue.

I can envision how the later version of the file became corrupt after the "5 beats in the 4/4 measure" problem appeared, and can further imagine that version 1.3 has fixes that allow it to read that file correctly. However, it's a mystery to me as to why the stable backup file suddenly had a problem in, when it was functioning perfectly at the time I backed it up.

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