many accidentals missing from palette

• Dec 8, 2013 - 14:17
S4 - Minor

In df88833 we see accidentals.png


Status (old) fixed active

As 5 accidentals are still missing...

And some of them, regardless of showing up in the palette now, can't get added to a note (or at least don't show) when using Emmentaler:
The sharp-slash3, sharp arrow up, sharp arrow down, flat arrow up, flat arrow down, natural arrow up and natural arrow down.

Also the corresponding nightly for Windows, MuseScoreNightly-2013-12-10-1509-d01ef14.7z is broken, only 28MB vs. some 44MB like the previous ones, and it crashes on Startup with an error reg. a missing QT platform plugin "Windows"

First issue should be solved in next commit. The used symbols were not mapped in Emmentaler.

The 5 missing symbols are not defined in SMuFL. There are the 3 accidentals with both arrows and the reverse flat with a slash and double flat with a slash. They are probably not used much in previous versions, so I would propose to remove them from the palette at least, and from the code if possible.

Not sure what happens with the nightly, next one should be fine.

I have two installation of Musescore 2.0.2 (one is f51dc11 and the other is far from me at the moment) on two Windows 7 systems.
One has all accidentals and the other (the f51dc11) has many of them missing as in the image above.
What can I do in order to have all accidentals?

I doubt it looks the same as that image in #1. More likely you're seeing the Basic Workspace, which indeed does have less entries, but no 'holes' between them. Switch to Advanced Workspace to see more