Passei 3 horas fazendo um arranjo e eu o salvava a cada 1 minuto pra garantir de não esquecer. Hoje fui abrir o arranjo e tinha menos da metade lá.
GIT commit: 3c7a69d
Google translate:
I spent 3 hours making an arrangement and I saved him every 1 minute to make sure I did not forget. Today I went to open the arrangement and had less than half.
As this is MuseScore 2.0.3, you should upgrade to 2.1. And you should use the forum for support requests like this, not the issue tracker, the forum is also available in Portuguese.
MuseScore for sure did save your file, every time you hit the save button. You're most probably just looking at the wrong place.
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Google translate:
I spent 3 hours making an arrangement and I saved him every 1 minute to make sure I did not forget. Today I went to open the arrangement and had less than half.
As this is MuseScore 2.0.3, you should upgrade to 2.1. And you should use the forum for support requests like this, not the issue tracker, the forum is also available in Portuguese.
MuseScore for sure did save your file, every time you hit the save button. You're most probably just looking at the wrong place.
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