Combining voices

• Dec 22, 2013 - 00:55

I have three separate parts, and I want to combine them into one voice into the score. If they are shown as separate voices in one part, the note stems make it very unorganized and chaotic. I need to make it look like one voice with chords and one stem for each, not three separate voices. is there any way to do this? thanks!


It's hard to tell what you mean - posting the score would help. If the three parts have exactly the same rhythm, then it would have been been best to have simply entered them as one voice on one staff in the first place. But it's possible to use the Implode plugin to combine parts in different staves onto one. If they are currently different voices on one staff, you could use the Voicecaster plugin to separate them into different staves first. If on the other hand the three parts don't have exactly the same rhythm, they can't be combined into one voice - that doesn't make musical / notational sense.

you may change it manually.

(backup the mscz first)

save it to xml format and edit by text editor like ultra-edit.

just find and replace voice no. as the photo attached.

Attachment Size
cap.png 15.87 KB

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