Repeat nesting

• Aug 4, 2017 - 18:00

I copied the attached score from a
hand-written score a friend made for me.
I believe there shouldn’t be nested repeats like this.
Shouldn’t I use “go to sign” for one of them?

Attachment Size
MyDarlingAnnBeckyDCH.mscz 25.18 KB


You are correct. The set up is nonsensical to me. I'm not sure what the expectation of the voltas is. I think that the outer repeat should be a D.S. al coda with the signo at the second repeat start barline, the to coda just before the outer volta 1 and the coda on the measure that starts the outer volta "END"

The first start repeat barline make no sense. The beat before each end repeat barline obviously belongs to the second start repeat barline. Perhaps your friend can explain his plan for playing.

I have made the changes I described in the attached copy.

Attachment Size
MyDarlingAnnBeckyDCH_2.mscz 25.75 KB

In reply to by mike320

I find the intention of the repeats quite clear: the 1 and 2 with a D7 are linked to the the inner part beginning with a D7 and the final 1 and 2 refers to the full score (and these final 1 and 2 don't bring much except the fact that if you repeat the score you begin by e-g the second time instead of the single c.

In reply to by hill0093

Sorry, I didn't look at your score the fist time. You can't make it play the volta 1 on the D.S. section. D.S. causes all repeats to be skipped. You will need to make a coda and add those measure to the coda to make it play those measures. The coda would be all of the measures you want played after the D.S. al coda. Change the D.S. to D.S. al Coda and place a To Coda before the first volta 1 and eliminate the second volta 1. Make sure you place a coda sign where the coda begins.

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