ADD new instrument - Bulgarian Kaval

• Jan 11, 2014 - 11:04

Hi Guys,

I would like to make an request about an instrument in MuseScore - Bulgarian Kaval. This instrument is a traditional one for Bulgaria and the Balkans. The kaval has 3 registers - low, middle and high. There is, however, a mixed register between the first and the middle called - "kaba". I will give you few examples on the Bulgarian Kaval sound:
-"Kaba register" -
- middle and high registers -

Kind Regards,


It can be done, but you would need to provide accurate information about types, pitches and ranges for the instrument, together with any transposition requirements and the clefs it uses.

Bearing in mind that this is just another folk flute maybe one of the other supplied folk flute definitions, all of which default to general midi sounds would fit the bill?

It actually sounds a bit like a Chinese Dizi (which has a kazoo-like membrane to make a buzzy tone). You could get a similar tone (using the MuseScore default soundfont, at least) by choosing D Dizi (or other key) and then manually adjusting the range (right-click and choose Stave Properties). Once you have it sounding OK, you can save a blank template. Not sure if the Dizi goes high enough for your Kaval upper register, though.

Attachment Size
Kaval(fake).mscz 1.67 KB

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