Paste scrolls to top of system
Windows 7, GIT commit: 2902cf6
1) create score for lots instruments (say, 8 or more)
2) set zoom so you cannot fit an entire system on screen at once
3) scroll the view so the top staff is offscreen
4) enter a whole note into first visible measure on bottom staff
5) select, copy and paste into next measure (or just press "R")
Result: notes are pasted fine, but score scrolls up to show top staff, thus losing your view of the notes you were just working on.
Seems related to #9338: chordname scrolls offscreen. It's kind of the opposite of #23667: Add / Text / Title et al does not reposition score view to show the text being added.
Thanks to mac_daddy02 for his report .
See (courtesy of Andrei Tuicu)
(Wrong link corrected)
Fixed as of…
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.