key change

• Aug 7, 2017 - 22:36

I have just about finished a score, and I am realizing that it is pitched a whole step too high. Is there a way to lower THE WHOLE ARRANGEMENT (notes and all, not just the actual key signature) from E flat to D flat?


select the entire score using ctrl-a. In the Notes menu select Transpose... Check By interval and the down radio button below it, then in the dropdown menu that says perfect union select Major Second and you entire score will be transposed down 1 step. Notice that the Transpose Key signature is checked, this will automatically the change key signatures such as from D to C.

Before you do this, I'm curious why your score is a step off. Are you writing for a B-flat instrument? If so, please respond before you do the above so we can discuss a better solution.

In reply to by mike320

Writing for trombone choir, a good one - Star Spangled Banner - key change part way through from E flat to F. In F, the lead goes up to high C, which they can do easy enough, but then they have to sustain the C - so, I want to lower the whole thing to D flat and E flat.

Thanks for the help -

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