Board for Workarounds and Shortcuts

• Jan 17, 2014 - 19:17

I think that Musescore is fantastic despite the odd drawback. However no matter what type of software anyone uses, there are always workarounds to “problems” or great little shortcuts that save endless amounts of time – once you know about them!
So I was wondering if it would be possible to have a Forum Discussion board section called, oh I don’t know, “Workarounds/Shortcuts” and IF it could be kept in topic title AZ order (to ease looking?)
As an eg, my fairly recent score for Big Band had some parts that couldn’t cope with the fact that the instrument was tacit for several bars BEFORE and During the volta bars. With my latest arrangement I came up with a workaround that even Mark Sabatella said ”yes that works”. But better still, someone else commented on an improvement to my workaround, which I made good use of.
As another eg. Mentioning my idea to a guy in my band (who also uses Musescore btw) I commented on another annoyance. “Ah” he commented, “try this workaround and save yourself a ton of effort”. Another ‘Doh!’ moment.
Yes I know we can type in a search but that could be as a fall back to the "new" discussion board and could save some of the stalwarts on this board from answering seemingly endless queries. A first port of call if you will.
Now whilst I can see that some/many/all problems might disappear when V2 comes out, there will still be shortcuts that lots of us will find useful.
On a more personal note, I feel somewhat redundant in not being able to add to the fabulous work that the backroom boys n girls do in Musescore coding, but I can add the odd shortcut or workaround that might help others.
What are your thoughts? Good idea? Not possible?


There is a "How to" section (see menu at right). That's pretty close to what you're describing already. Could stand to be more visible and better organized.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, yes I've used that myself but its a little "limited" in scope. I just thought it would a good place to share those "lightbulb" moments. I'm guessing you don't use MS Word but I know countless numbers who do. And who amongst us hasn't had head down typing a document to look up to discover we accidentally caught the caps lock. Well in Word there's a 2 keystroke operation that sorts it all out for you. I know many many folks have been very pleased I've told them about it as its saved lots of time retyping. My thoughts about the 'new' discussion board was to share those type of tips. Musescore only obviously!

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