Return and Repeat

• Mar 11, 2025 - 07:02

My arrangement is not Chorus Verse type, but i have a section that the music at a certain point have to return to, but after a section repeated, it needs to jump to the section after the part it was before.
Example: Part A........ Part B...... Part C..... (Return to Part B) then to Part D (without going through Part C all over.

kindly help .im stuck here.

Attachment Size
Onward_Christian_Soldier_Medley.mscz 168.2 KB


'D.S. al Coda' after part C,
a 'Segno' at the beginning of B,
'To Coda' at the end of B,
a 'Coda' at D.

Edit: You have not said where in your score is part A,B,C or D!

Attachment Size
Demo.mscz 18.84 KB

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