Positioning of score during musescore.com embed playback

• Aug 10, 2017 - 14:48


I have noticed that during playback on some embedded scores, the position of the score is shifted so that the current playing system is at the top of the embed's "window".
This makes sense for following the score, but unfortunately it obscures some annotations - e.g. the boxed numbers on this score: https://pste.eu/p/6qsd.html

This doesn't seem to happen viewing it on its musescore.com page: https://musescore.com/user/13559146/scores/4160131

Is there anything I can do to have the annotations stay visible during playback (e.g. make them part of the system in some way)?



In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Ah yes, making the player higher works, but only when a page of score fits in the embed - unfortunately not always possible, when trying to fit it on screen :-(

> You could make the system higher
I'm afraid I'm pretty new to Musescore, and don't see how to do that - any pointers?

Ideally, whilst following the music, staff and system text would be kept visible - but maybe this isn't a typical requirement?

Thanks for your reply :-)

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