deleting a timesig changes the nominal and actual time sig to 4/4 regardles of the previous value
- create new score, with a timesig of e.g. 12/2 (or any other, but not 4/4)
- select one of the measures and change actual duration
- trop a different timesit onto some later measure
- enter notes
- select the initial timesig and hit Del
expected result: the timesig gets deleted, the score respaced, but nothing else happens, esp. the actual and nominal timesig stays as set before
actual result: the actual and and nominal timsig of all measures (up to the next one) change to 4/4. No notes are lost, but barlines/measures adjust. Changing actual timesig does not revert this, but inserts rests/deletes note (if longer resp. shorter than before)